Anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strength.
-Charles Spurgeon
I am 19 years old and by the Grace of God I am fleeing the "evil desires of youth -2 Tim. 2:22." Instead I am focusing my mind on purity, preparing for marriage. In addition, I am seeking God's will and learning about God and about His desire for Christian's lives through His word. It is my hearts desire to express what God has been convicting me of and showing me in this blog in hopes that the reader will be challenged and blessed.
Welcome to my blog. My hope is that you will be blessed by it and come to a deeper realization of God's love and His will for our lives and His will for His Church. Aswell as His Gospel. As I hit on topics such as Biblical Family life and Biblical Church life and much more I pray you will be positively encouraged and inspired to live more biblically and to "grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ - 2 Peter 3:18" To God be all the Glory!
Grace and Peace,
Randy Nelson
- Warrior for the Truth
Grace and Peace,
Randy Nelson
- Warrior for the Truth
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